The composer performing Intercession for Quality at High Quality Final Days release party (January 29, 2018) pc Molly Roth Scranton.
for found object percussion, voice, solenoids, and television
(2018) Intercession for Quality offers itself up as a primary document or an artifact of devotional practice from a non-existent spiritual practice.
. Themes explored in this piece include:
- my own status as a spiritual person, which is to say that I often desire some kind of cosmic meaning (whatever that is) but feel precluded from any belief or religious practice because, well, I fundamentally think that there is no cosmic meaning (whatever that means).
- about how new age spirituality is made possible because of our current world-economy, but how it also exists as a salve made specific for our current often new age thought is associated with self improvement
- how individual elevation is a primary goal resulting in an earthy salvation (which again intersects with our current economic condition).
- How this idea of self improvement as salvation intersects with the death denying function of making "important" "high-quality" cultural artifacts in the Western Classical condition.
- about how new age spirituality is strangely common and super casual, found at Whole Foods and ordinary interest in the zodiac.
- about how new age thought is a tragic thing that wants to locate itself in practices that feel connected with "ancient history" but is fundamentally severed from that because its such a contemporary ad hoc thing that asks nothing of anyone. It seems to be this perfect metaphor for people (maybe myself) looking for meaning and not being able to find any. Instead its a spiritual topical ointment for deep wounds.